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Meet the girls
Best girl

Kyou mo ichinichi GABARUZOI!

Character Designer

Lead character of the show, everyone's favorite. One of the hardest workers who ends up becoming very successful.


  • Is adorable
  • Surprisingly talented


  • Has a hard time navigating bathrooms
  • Still lives with her mom
Best girl

"Do you like it when I smile, Sojiro?"

Sr. Character Designer

Impossibly cute, huge introvert who struggles with talking to people including her coworkers.

One of the most popular characters in the show.


  • Sometimes shy
  • That s m i l e
  • Great cosplayer
  • Has a cute hedgehog
  • Literally everything


  • Sometimes shy
  • Ok more like constantly shy
Best girl

"What? I'm only sleeping at work every other day..."

Character Team Lead

Heavy Sleeper, Rin's Girlfriend. Ambitious character designer who Aoba looks up to.


  • Really good at her job


  • Overworks herself constantly
  • Dense
  • Is afraid of thunder.
Best girl

"Wanna relax with some snacks?"

Character Designer

Hajime's girlfriend (not really). She's had an image problem ever since high school. Can't hold her liquor at all.


  • Good at handling children
  • Makes great tea
  • Generous


  • Self conscious
  • Stalker
Best girl

"Maybe I can skip on this month's rent for new lightsabers"

Motion Designer

Yun's girlfriend (maybe not). Has a massive collection of toys on her desk which she has difficulty paying for at times.

She's in the motion team but has to sit together with the art department due to a lack of desks.


  • Has cool toys
  • Tomboy


  • Doesn't have tickets for the Moon Ranger show
  • Terrible financial responsibility
Best girl

"You work at a real company? That's so cool!"

Bug Tester

Aoba's best friend, made NeneQuest with a game engine she built from scratch.

Starter working at Eagle Jump after she decided to take on programming.


  • Determined
  • Hard worker


  • Annoying in season 1
  • Gets jealous easily
Best girl

"I told you to do it this morning!"

Art Director

Ko's Girlfriend. Mom of the company, does most of what Shizuku fails to do.


  • Extremely supportive


  • Too kind
Best girl

"Are you the new girl? You're so cute!"


Everything is cute


  • Very relaxed
  • Has a cute cat


  • Doesn't have the greatest work ethic
  • Doesn't really do much in general
Best girl

"Don't call me by my last name... I tell you every time"

Lead Developer

Airsoft Player. Obsessed with military stuff. Has a soft spot in her heart and hates when people call her by her last name.


  • Gives Shizuku a reality check
  • Has incredible discipline
  • Hard worker


  • A little too caught up in her hobbies
  • Intimidating
Best girl

*Incoherent rice eating noises*

Graphic Artist Intern

Naru's Roommate. The most controversial character. Has a serious rivalry with Aoba.


  • Very determined


  • Not super helpful to her roommate.
  • Too competitive
  • Kind of rude
Best girl

"I worked hard to get where I am today"

Programming Intern

Momo's roommate, she's very competitive because of her upbringing. Has a rivalry with Nene.


  • Competitive
  • Great programmer


  • Maybe a little too competitive
  • Can be hurtful at times